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This module brings the idempotent features on top of the Microsoft Azure powershell modules. It also has specific features that you can use or not but help me to my research :

  • Local vault management
  • Ansible inventory sharing
Table of contents
  1. Dependencies
  2. Powershell MESF modules Development configuration
  3. Local vault management
  4. Ansible inventory sharing


Module Description Source
Az New powershell module to manage azure
powershell-yaml Serialize / Deserialize Yaml. Use to share ansible vars and powershell configuration

Powershell MESF modules Development configuration

  1. Register the MESF Module folder in the PSModulePath

     # Get current value
     $CurrentValue = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PSModulePath", "Machine")
     # Modify current value with your folder
     [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PSModulePath", $CurrentValue + ";D:\devel\github\devops-toolbox\cloud\azure\powershell\modules\MESF_Azure", "Machine")

Restart your development editor or powershell session

Local vault management

  1. Register-MESFAzureServicePrincipal

    Create application and service principal based on the application name.
    The password is automatically generated and saved in the local vault.
    You can also reset the password with the switch ResetPassword.

    # ----------------------------------------------------
    # Register MESF Credential
    # ----------------------------------------------------
    Import-Module MESF_Azure -Force
    Register-MESFAzureServicePrincipal -Application TestPassword
    Register-MESFAzureServicePrincipal -Application TestPassword -ResetPassword
  2. Get-MESFClearPAssword

    Decrypt password from a SecureString password

  3. Remove-MESFAzureServicePrincipal

    Remove application and service principal based on the application name.
    Remove also the service principal from the local vault

  4. Sync-MESFAzureVault

    Synchronize Azure vault with local vault.

    :warning: Limitations
    It doesn’t remove user.

Ansible inventory sharing

# Load Inventory vars
$inventoryPath = (Get-Module MESF_Azure).ModuleBase
$inventoryPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($inventoryPath, "../../../../ansible/group_vars")
$inventoryPath = (Resolve-Path -Path $inventoryPath).Path
$inventoryVars = Import-MESFAnsibleInventory -InventoryPath $inventoryPath

You get a Hashtable loaded from yam files found in ansible/group_vars. Yam files are parsed by the module powershell-yaml.

:warning: Limitations
Variables in Yam files can’t be resolved if you use jinja2 or dynamic variables. There is no plan to adapt the behavior of Ansible.