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  1. Variables declaration for Hands On Lab scripts
  2. Base resources deployment
    1. Resources groups
    2. Virtual Network
    3. Storages
    4. User Managed Identities

Variables declaration for Hands On Lab scripts

all scripts defined in the hands on lab demonstration must be defined before executing the commands.

:point_right: Hands-on lab

# Location
$aksLocation                    = "francecentral"

# Resource groups
$hubResourceGroup               = "rg-francecentral-networking-hub"
$aksresourceGroup               = "rg-aks-bootstrap-networking-spoke"
$aksNodesResourceGroup          = "rg-aks-bootstrap-cluster-nodes"
$aksStorageResourceGroup        = "rg-francecentral-storage-shared"
$managedIdentitiesResourceGroup = "rg-francecentral-managed_identities"
$acrBootstrapResourceGroup      = "rg-acr-bootstrap"

# Virtual network vnet-spoke
$vnetAddressprefix              = ""
$aksVnetName                    = "vnet-spoke"
$nodesSubnetName                = "net-cluster-nodes"
$nodesSubnetAddressprefix       = ""
$servicesSubnetName             = "net-cluster-services"
$servicesSubnetAddressprefix    = ""
$gatewaySubnetName              = "net-application-gateway"
$gatewaySubnetAddressprefix     = ""
$privateLinkSubnetName          = "net-private-links"
$privateLinkSubnetAddressprefix = ""

# Virtual network vnet-hub
$vnetHubName                    = "vnet-hub"

$aksName                        = "aksbootstrap"
$aksPublicIpName                = "pi-inventory-gateway"
$aksPublicIpDnsLabel            = "inventory"

# Storage
$aksStorageName                 = "saygo74bootstrap"
$aksPostgresqlDisk              = "disk-postgresql-dyninv"

# Managed Identities
$aksControlPlaneIdentity        = "umi-aks-bootsrap"
$aksKubeletIdentity             = "umi-aks-bootstrap-kubelet"

$acrName                        = "aksbootstrap"

Base resources deployment

Resources groups

:point_right: Ensure resources groups have been created

Resources groups used in the deployment are :

  • rg-aks-bootstrap-networking-spoke : Container which holds AKS cluster
  • rg-acr-bootstrap : Container which holds Azure Container Registry
  • rg-francecentral-storage-shared : Container which holds disks and storage accounts
  • rg-francecentral-managed_identities : Container which holds user managed identities

:point_right: Hands-on lab

# Create Hub Resource Group
az group create --name $hubResourceGroup --location $aksLocation

# Create aks bootstrap Resource Group
# The cluster nodes resource group can only be created by the aks cluster during its provisioning
az group create --name $aksresourceGroup --location $aksLocation

# Create storage Resource Group
az group create --name $aksStorageResourceGroup --location $aksLocation

# Create Managed identities Resource Group
az group create --name $managedIdentitiesResourceGroup --location $aksLocation

Virtual Network

:point_right: Ensure virtual network has been created

Virtual networks used in the deployment are :

  • vnet-spoke : virtual networks dedicated to aks cluster with the following subnets :

    • net-cluster-nodes : subnet for cluster’s nodes with cidr
    • net-application-gateway : subnet for external cluster access with cidr
    • net-private-links : subnet for internal cluster outbound connections with cidr

Remarks : The cluster services subnet is managed internaly by the cluster during its provisioning with the cidr There is no name, neither link into the virtual network

:point_right: Hands-on lab

# Create Network spoke
az network vnet create --name $aksVnetName --resource-group $aksresourceGroup --address-prefixes $vnetAddressprefix 

# Create subnet for cluster nodes
az network vnet subnet create -g $aksresourceGroup --vnet-name $aksVnetName `
                              -n $nodesSubnetName --address-prefixes $nodesSubnetAddressprefix

# Create subnet for services nodes can be only created by aks cluster during its provisioning
# az network vnet subnet create -g $aksresourceGroup --vnet-name $aksVnetName `
#                               -n $servicesSubnetName --address-prefixes $servicesSubnetAddressprefix

# Create subnet for application gateway
az network vnet subnet create -g $aksresourceGroup --vnet-name $aksVnetName `
                              -n $gatewaySubnetName --address-prefixes $gatewaySubnetAddressprefix

# Create subnet for private links
az network vnet subnet create -g $aksresourceGroup --vnet-name $aksVnetName `
                              -n $privateLinkSubnetName --address-prefixes $privateLinkSubnetAddressprefix


:point_right: Ensure storages have been created

storages used in the deployment are :

  • saygo74bootstrap : Storage account which holds file shares for the cluster
  • disk-postgresql-dyninv : Azure disk to store postgresql data for Dynamic inventory

:point_right: Hands-on lab

1. Storage account


2. Azure disks

  • az disk create `
      --resource-group $aksStorageResourceGroup `
      --name $aksPostgresqlDisk `
      --sku Standard_LRS `
      --size-gb 5 `
      --query id --output tsv

User Managed Identities

:point_right: Ensure Managed identities have been created

Managed identities used in the deployment are :

  • umi-aks-bootsrap : Cluster control plane identity which will manage access to other resources

    • Public IP
    • Storage
    • Virtual Network
  • umi-aks-bootstrap-kubelet : Kubelet identity which will connect to ACR

:point_right: Hands-on lab

  1. Create aks Identities

     # Create Control Plane identity
     az identity create --name $aksControlPlaneIdentity --resource-group $managedIdentitiesResourceGroup
     # Create kubelet identity
     az identity create --name $aksKubeletIdentity --resource-group $managedIdentitiesResourceGroup
  2. Grant aks Control Plane Identity to required resources

    1. Get Control plane identity

      # Get Control Plane identity
      $aksControlPlaneIdentityPrincipalId =$(az identity show --name $aksControlPlaneIdentity --resource-group $managedIdentitiesResourceGroup --query "principalId" -o tsv)
      write-host "Aks Control Plane identity Principal Id : $aksControlPlaneIdentityPrincipalId"
    2. Assign Contributor role on Cluster resource group

      # Get Aks resource group Id
      $aksResourceGroupId = $(az group show -n $aksresourceGroup --query "id" -o tsv)
      if ($null -eq $aksResourceGroupId) { throw "Unable to retrieve aks resource group $aksresourceGroup Id"}
      write-host "Aks Resource group Id : $aksResourceGroupId"
      # Assign role contributor to AKS Identity on AKS resource group
      az role assignment list --scope $aksResourceGroupId
      az role assignment create --assignee $aksControlPlaneIdentityPrincipalId --scope $aksResourceGroupId --role "Contributor"
    3. Assign Network Contributor role on Hub resource group

      # Get hub resource group Id
      $hubResourceGroupId = $(az group show -n $hubResourceGroup --query "id" -o tsv)
      if ($null -eq $hubResourceGroupId) { throw "Unable to retrieve hub resource group $hubResourceGroup Id"}
      write-host "Aks hub Resource group Id : $hubResourceGroupId"
      # Assign network contributor to AKS Identity on resource group Hub
      az role assignment list --scope $hubResourceGroupId
      az role assignment create --assignee $aksControlPlaneIdentityPrincipalId --scope $hubResourceGroupId --role "Network Contributor"
    4. Assign Storage Account Contributor role on storage resource group

      # Get storage resource group Id
      $aksStorageResourceGroupId = $(az group show -n $aksStorageResourceGroup --query "id" -o tsv)
      if ($null -eq $aksStorageResourceGroupId) { throw "Unable to retrieve storage resource group $aksStorageResourceGroup Id"}
      write-host "Aks Storage Resource group Id : $aksStorageResourceGroupId"
      # Assign contributor to AKS Identity on storage resource group
      az role assignment list --scope $aksStorageResourceGroupId
      az role assignment create --assignee $aksControlPlaneIdentityPrincipalId --scope $aksStorageResourceGroupId --role "Contributor"
      az role assignment create --assignee $aksControlPlaneIdentityPrincipalId --scope $aksStorageResourceGroupId --role "Storage Account Contributor"
  3. Grant aks Kubelet Identity to required resources

    1. Get Kubelet Identity

       # Get kubelet identity
       $aksKubeletIdentityPrincipalId =$(az identity show --name $aksKubeletIdentity --resource-group $managedIdentitiesResourceGroup --query "principalId" -o tsv)
       write-host "Aks Kubelet identity Principal Id : $aksKubeletIdentityPrincipalId"

    2. Assign AcrPull role on ACR bootstrap

       # Get ACR Bootstrap Id
       $acrBootstrapId = az acr show -n $acrName -g $acrBootstrapResourceGroup --query "id" -o tsv
       if ($null -eq $acrBootstrapId) { throw "Unable to retrieve ACR Bootstrap $acrName Id"}
       write-host "ACR Bootstrap Id : $acrBootstrapId"
       # Assign AcrPull role to Kubelet Identity on ACR
       az role assignment list --scope $acrBootstrapId
       az role assignment create --assignee $aksKubeletIdentityPrincipalId --scope $acrBootstrapId --role "AcrPull"