Table of contents
Variables declaration for Hands On Lab scripts
all scripts defined in the hands on lab demonstration must be defined before executing the commands.
Hands-on lab
# Location
$aksLocation = "francecentral"
# Resource groups
$hubResourceGroup = "rg-francecentral-networking-hub"
$aksresourceGroup = "rg-aks-bootstrap-networking-spoke"
$aksNodesResourceGroup = "rg-aks-bootstrap-cluster-nodes"
$aksStorageResourceGroup = "rg-francecentral-storage-shared"
$managedIdentitiesResourceGroup = "rg-francecentral-managed_identities"
$acrBootstrapResourceGroup = "rg-acr-bootstrap"
# Virtual network vnet-spoke
$vnetAddressprefix = ""
$aksVnetName = "vnet-spoke"
$nodesSubnetName = "net-cluster-nodes"
$nodesSubnetAddressprefix = ""
$servicesSubnetName = "net-cluster-services"
$servicesSubnetAddressprefix = ""
$gatewaySubnetName = "net-application-gateway"
$gatewaySubnetAddressprefix = ""
$privateLinkSubnetName = "net-private-links"
$privateLinkSubnetAddressprefix = ""
# Virtual network vnet-hub
$vnetHubName = "vnet-hub"
$aksName = "aksbootstrap"
$aksPublicIpName = "pi-inventory-gateway"
$aksPublicIpDnsLabel = "inventory"
# Storage
$aksStorageName = "saygo74bootstrap"
$aksPostgresqlDisk = "disk-postgresql-dyninv"
# Managed Identities
$aksControlPlaneIdentity = "umi-aks-bootsrap"
$aksKubeletIdentity = "umi-aks-bootstrap-kubelet"
$acrName = "aksbootstrap"
Base resources deployment
Resources groups
Ensure resources groups have been created
Resources groups used in the deployment are :
- rg-aks-bootstrap-networking-spoke : Container which holds AKS cluster
- rg-acr-bootstrap : Container which holds Azure Container Registry
- rg-francecentral-storage-shared : Container which holds disks and storage accounts
- rg-francecentral-managed_identities : Container which holds user managed identities
Hands-on lab
# Create Hub Resource Group
az group create --name $hubResourceGroup --location $aksLocation
# Create aks bootstrap Resource Group
# The cluster nodes resource group can only be created by the aks cluster during its provisioning
az group create --name $aksresourceGroup --location $aksLocation
# Create storage Resource Group
az group create --name $aksStorageResourceGroup --location $aksLocation
# Create Managed identities Resource Group
az group create --name $managedIdentitiesResourceGroup --location $aksLocation
Virtual Network
Ensure virtual network has been created
Virtual networks used in the deployment are :
vnet-spoke : virtual networks dedicated to aks cluster with the following subnets :
- net-cluster-nodes : subnet for cluster’s nodes with cidr
- net-application-gateway : subnet for external cluster access with cidr
- net-private-links : subnet for internal cluster outbound connections with cidr
Remarks : The cluster services subnet is managed internaly by the cluster during its provisioning with the cidr There is no name, neither link into the virtual network
Hands-on lab
# Create Network spoke
az network vnet create --name $aksVnetName --resource-group $aksresourceGroup --address-prefixes $vnetAddressprefix
# Create subnet for cluster nodes
az network vnet subnet create -g $aksresourceGroup --vnet-name $aksVnetName `
-n $nodesSubnetName --address-prefixes $nodesSubnetAddressprefix
# Create subnet for services nodes can be only created by aks cluster during its provisioning
# az network vnet subnet create -g $aksresourceGroup --vnet-name $aksVnetName `
# -n $servicesSubnetName --address-prefixes $servicesSubnetAddressprefix
# Create subnet for application gateway
az network vnet subnet create -g $aksresourceGroup --vnet-name $aksVnetName `
-n $gatewaySubnetName --address-prefixes $gatewaySubnetAddressprefix
# Create subnet for private links
az network vnet subnet create -g $aksresourceGroup --vnet-name $aksVnetName `
-n $privateLinkSubnetName --address-prefixes $privateLinkSubnetAddressprefix
Ensure storages have been created
storages used in the deployment are :
- saygo74bootstrap : Storage account which holds file shares for the cluster
- disk-postgresql-dyninv : Azure disk to store postgresql data for Dynamic inventory
Hands-on lab
1. Storage account
2. Azure disks
az disk create ` --resource-group $aksStorageResourceGroup ` --name $aksPostgresqlDisk ` --sku Standard_LRS ` --size-gb 5 ` --query id --output tsv
User Managed Identities
Ensure Managed identities have been created
Managed identities used in the deployment are :
umi-aks-bootsrap : Cluster control plane identity which will manage access to other resources
- Public IP
- Storage
- Virtual Network
umi-aks-bootstrap-kubelet : Kubelet identity which will connect to ACR
Hands-on lab
Create aks Identities
# Create Control Plane identity az identity create --name $aksControlPlaneIdentity --resource-group $managedIdentitiesResourceGroup # Create kubelet identity az identity create --name $aksKubeletIdentity --resource-group $managedIdentitiesResourceGroup
Grant aks Control Plane Identity to required resources
Get Control plane identity
# Get Control Plane identity $aksControlPlaneIdentityPrincipalId =$(az identity show --name $aksControlPlaneIdentity --resource-group $managedIdentitiesResourceGroup --query "principalId" -o tsv) write-host "Aks Control Plane identity Principal Id : $aksControlPlaneIdentityPrincipalId"
Assign Contributor role on Cluster resource group
# Get Aks resource group Id $aksResourceGroupId = $(az group show -n $aksresourceGroup --query "id" -o tsv) if ($null -eq $aksResourceGroupId) { throw "Unable to retrieve aks resource group $aksresourceGroup Id"} write-host "Aks Resource group Id : $aksResourceGroupId" # Assign role contributor to AKS Identity on AKS resource group az role assignment list --scope $aksResourceGroupId az role assignment create --assignee $aksControlPlaneIdentityPrincipalId --scope $aksResourceGroupId --role "Contributor"
Assign Network Contributor role on Hub resource group
# Get hub resource group Id $hubResourceGroupId = $(az group show -n $hubResourceGroup --query "id" -o tsv) if ($null -eq $hubResourceGroupId) { throw "Unable to retrieve hub resource group $hubResourceGroup Id"} write-host "Aks hub Resource group Id : $hubResourceGroupId" # Assign network contributor to AKS Identity on resource group Hub az role assignment list --scope $hubResourceGroupId az role assignment create --assignee $aksControlPlaneIdentityPrincipalId --scope $hubResourceGroupId --role "Network Contributor"
Assign Storage Account Contributor role on storage resource group
# Get storage resource group Id $aksStorageResourceGroupId = $(az group show -n $aksStorageResourceGroup --query "id" -o tsv) if ($null -eq $aksStorageResourceGroupId) { throw "Unable to retrieve storage resource group $aksStorageResourceGroup Id"} write-host "Aks Storage Resource group Id : $aksStorageResourceGroupId" # Assign contributor to AKS Identity on storage resource group az role assignment list --scope $aksStorageResourceGroupId az role assignment create --assignee $aksControlPlaneIdentityPrincipalId --scope $aksStorageResourceGroupId --role "Contributor" az role assignment create --assignee $aksControlPlaneIdentityPrincipalId --scope $aksStorageResourceGroupId --role "Storage Account Contributor"
Grant aks Kubelet Identity to required resources
1. Get Kubelet Identity
# Get kubelet identity $aksKubeletIdentityPrincipalId =$(az identity show --name $aksKubeletIdentity --resource-group $managedIdentitiesResourceGroup --query "principalId" -o tsv) write-host "Aks Kubelet identity Principal Id : $aksKubeletIdentityPrincipalId"
2. Assign AcrPull role on ACR bootstrap
# Get ACR Bootstrap Id $acrBootstrapId = az acr show -n $acrName -g $acrBootstrapResourceGroup --query "id" -o tsv if ($null -eq $acrBootstrapId) { throw "Unable to retrieve ACR Bootstrap $acrName Id"} write-host "ACR Bootstrap Id : $acrBootstrapId" # Assign AcrPull role to Kubelet Identity on ACR az role assignment list --scope $acrBootstrapId az role assignment create --assignee $aksKubeletIdentityPrincipalId --scope $acrBootstrapId --role "AcrPull"